Interactive world map – a sampling of global tourism emissions findings

9 Infographics illustrating the key findings of this research
The most extensive global tourism emissions analysis ever conducted
This major study is the most extensive of its kind ever, both in terms of the breadth of the…
Tourism’s rapidly expanding carbon footprint
At the time of publication, many studies cite the Lenzen study for 2013 tourism emissions…
The sharp rise of global tourism’s carbon footprint
One major purpose of this study is to track how rapidly tourism carbon footprint (CF) has…
Modest efficiency improvements totally outstripped by surging growth in tourism demand
It’s important to consider why the tourism carbon footprint has grown so fast. As this…
Four proven strategies to reduce tourism’s carbon footprint
This infographic highlights the four proven strategies for reducing tourism’s carbon…
Huge inequality in who creates tourism emissions
There is huge inequality between countries responsible for significant tourism emissions,…
Huge inequality in per capita tourism emissions
There is huge inequality between countries on a per-capita basis. The top 10 per capita…
Aviation is the Achilles heel of global tourism emissions
Aviation is the elephant in the room. It is also the primary ‘hotspot,’ with…
A tourism dollar is very carbon intensive
Most people are not aware that tourism is carbon intensive; for many of us, instinct…